
The role type the company has with the vessel.

ValueRole in UIDescription
BENEFICIAL_OWNERBeneficial OwnerThe controlling interest behind the fleet and the ultimate beneficiary from the ownership.
OWNERRegistered OwnerThe legal entity officially listed as the owner of the vessel, holding its title but not necessarily involved in its operations.
MANAGEMENTCommercial ManagerThe company that is responsible for the commercial activities relating to the ship, and the best day to day contact for the ship regarding all commercial matters
OPERATOROperatorThe direct beneficiary that determines how and where the vessel is utilized.
COMMERCIAL_CONTROLLERCommercial ControllerThe interset has been novated the rights of use (lease) to a vessel by the Operator. These rights are commonly transferred by way of a sublet or period charter.
TECHNICAL_MANAGERTechnical ManagerResponsible for the technical operation and technical superintendency of the ship in terms of repairs and maintenance, surveys, drydockings etc.
ISM_MANAGERISM ManagerThe organization has taken on the responsibility of the ship's technical management but also has agreed to take over the duties and responsibilities of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.