
Shipment Event Type CodeShipment Event Type NameShipment Event Type Description
RECEReceivedIndicates that a document is received by the carrier or shipper
DRFTDraftedIndicates that a document is in draft mode being updated by either the shipper or the carrier.
PENAPending ApprovalIndicates that a document has been submitted by the carrier and is now awaiting approval by the shipper.
PENUPending UpdateIndicates that the carrier requested an update from the shipper which is not received yet.
PENCPending ConfirmationIndicates that a document has been submitted by the shipper and is now awaiting approval by the carrier.
REJERejectedIndicates that a document has been rejected by the carrier.
APPRApprovedIndicates that a document has been approved by the counterpart.
ISSUIssuedIndicates that a document has been issued by the carrier.
SURRSurrenderedIndicates that a document has been surrendered by the customer to the carrier.
SUBMSubmittedIndicates that a document has been submitted by the customer to the carrier.
VOIDVoidCancellation of an original document.
CONFConfirmedIndicates that the document is confirmed.
REQSRequestedA status indicator that can be used with a number of identifiers to denote that a certain activity, service or document has been requested by the carrier, customer or authorities. This status remains constant until the requested activity is “Completed”.
CMPLCompletedA status indicator that can be used with a number of activity identifiers to denote that a certain activity, service or document has been completed.
HOLDOn HoldA status indicator that can be used with a number of activity identifiers to denote that a container or shipment has been placed on hold i.e. can’t progress in the process.
RELSReleasedA status indicator that can be used with a number of activity identifiers to denote that a container or shipment has been released i.e. allowed to move from depot or terminal by authorities or service provider.
CANCCancelledA status indicator to be used when the booking is cancelled by the Shipper