API Reference


The vessel-related data.


activitiesByType [Activity]Returns information on activities by type, timeframe, and location.

type: ActivityTypes!
timeRange: DateTimeRange
polygonType: [String!]
buildYearPositiveIntThe vessel build year.
callSignStringThe vessel transmitted call sign
classStringThe vessel class.
complianceRiskComplianceVesselRisk!The risk of the ship not complying with sanction programs.
timeRangeClosedDateTimeRangeInputThe period for which the vessel information applies.
deadweightNonNegativeIntThe vessel deadweight.
draughtFloatLatest reported draft.
flagStringThe vessel flag.
grosstonnagePositiveIntThe molded volume of all the enclosed spaces in the ship converted to metric tons.
historicalNames[String]The vessel's historical names.
idObjectIdThe vessel's unique Windward assigned ID.
imoPositiveIntThe vessel International Maritime Organization number.
insurerStringThe firm insuring the vessel.
lastPortCallActivityMost recent Port Call prior to the transmission.
lastPosBlipLast position prior to the transmission.
lengthNonNegativeIntThe vessel length.
mmsiNonNegativeIntThe Vessel Maritime Mobile Service Identity number.
nameStringThe Vessel name.
pscInspections[PSCInspection!]The Port State Control inspections performed on the vessel.
reportedPortReportedPortThe vessel transmitted destination.
riskAssessmentVesselRiskAssessment!The different risks the vessel is exposed to.
smugglingRiskSmugglingVesselRisk!The smuggling risks the vessel is exposed to.
statusStringThe vessel status:

"DEAD": The vessel was reported DEAD by an external source.

"NOT_AVAILABLE": The vessel was reported dead by an external source, but it did transmit in the past 30 days.
subClassStringThe vessel sub-class.