
Returns the fuel consumption computed at midnight UTC for the day that just ended.

This service takes as input a date range and the IMO of a vessel (currently works for tankers only) and returns the fuel consumption computed at midnight UTC for the day that just ended. For example, date: ‘2022-01-02T00:00:00.000Z', 'totalFuelConsumption: 3.391’, that on January 1st, the vessel consumed 3.391 tons of fuel. A single run can go as far as 1 year back.


timeRangeClosedDateTimeRangeInputThe period in which the daily fuel consumption is read.


fuelConsumption[DailyFuelConsumption!]!The daily fuel consumption readings taken in the specified time range.
missingDays[Date!]!The dates on which daily fuel consumption was not available due to lack of Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) coverage for that day.
successRateStringThe number of days in which daily fuel consumption was available.